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Our High-Reliability Photoreflectors are sensors that contain both the LED emitter and photodetector functions within a single package. Emitted light from the Marktech sensor is reflected back to the detector side as an object enters the sensing area.

This series of Marktech sensors are ideally suited for applications including edge sensing, line sensing, coin bill validation, and bar code reading.

Office & Consumer Electronics


Product Photo Peak Wavelength Size Device Type Fall Time MAX Current (A) Dark Current Forward Voltage Rise Time Buy Now Specs
MTRS4010C 1040 5.1x3.3mm SMD (4 pin) InGaAs Photo Diode 180 1.25 Digikey
MTRS7010C 1070 5.1x3.3mm SMD (4 pin) InGaAs Photo Diode 180 1.25 Digikey
MTRS1071D 1070 4mm Plastic Flat Lens (4 pin) Photodiode 2.0 180 2.0 1.27 2.0 Price Quote
MTRS0012C 1220 5.1x3.3mm SMD (4 pin) InGaAs Photo Diode 180 1.03 Digikey
MTRS0013C 1300 5.1x3.3mm SMD (4 pin) InGaAs Photo Diode 180 1.00 Digikey
MTRS1301D 1300 4mm Plastic Flat Lens (4 pin) Photodiode 2.0 180 2.0 0.96 2.0 Price Quote
MTRS6014C 1430 5.1x3.3mm SMD (4 pin) InGaAs Photo Diode 180 0.95 Digikey
MTRS1551D 1550 4mm Plastic Flat Lens (4 pin) Photodiode 2.0 180 2.0 0.90 2.0 Price Quote
MTRS5116C 1625 5.1x3.3mm SMD (4 pin) InGaAs Photo Diode 180 0.87 Digikey
MTRS1721D 1720 4mm Plastic Flat Lens (4 pin) Photodiode 2.0 180 2.0 0.83 2.0 Price Quote
MTRS4720D 470 4mm Plastic Flat Lens (4 pin) Photodiode 1 0.35 100 3.5 - 4.0 1 Digikey
MTRS5250D 520 4mm Plastic Flat Lens (4 pin) Photodiode 1 0.3 100 3.5 - 4.0 1 Digikey
MTRS5750 574 4mm Plastic Flat Lens (4 pin) Photo Transistor 1 0.18 100 2.4 - 2.8 1 Digikey
MTRS5750D 574 4mm Plastic Flat Lens (4 pin) Photodiode 30 150 100 2.4 - 2.8 20 Digikey
MTRS5900D 590 4mm Plastic Flat Lens (4 pin) Photodiode 1 0.3 100 2.0 - 2.5 1 Digikey
MTRS6140D 610 4mm Plastic Flat Lens (4 pin) Photodiode 1 0.55 100 2.0 - 2.5 1 Digikey
MTRS6660 660 4mm Plastic Flat Lens (4 pin) Photo Transistor 30 1200 100 1.8 - 2.2 30 Digikey
MTRS6660D 660 4mm Plastic Flat Lens (4 pin) Photodiode 1 1.5 10 1.8 - 2.2 1 Digikey
MTRS6660DSM 660 5.1x3.3mm SMD (4 pin) Photodiode 1.5 1.80 Digikey
MTRS1070 700 4mm Plastic Flat Lens (4 pin) Photo Transistor 30 500 100 1.8 - 2.2 20 Digikey
MTRS8760C 870 4mm Plastic Flat Lens (4 pin) Photodiode 2.0 0.9 10 1.34 2.0 Price Quote
MTRS8800RWSC4 880 TO-46 Metal Can Flat Lens (3 pin) Photodiode NA 0.01 10 1.45 NA Digikey
MTRS9520 950 4mm Plastic Flat Lens (4 pin) Photo Transistor 30 100 100 1.1 - 1.4 20 Digikey
MTRS9520DSM 950 5.1x3.3mm SMD (4 pin) Photodiode 1.5 1.20 Digikey
MTRS9520D 950 4mm Plastic Flat Lens (4 pin) Photodiode 2.0 0.9 10 1.2 - 1.5 2.0 Digikey

Product Information

Photoreflectors are also known as reflective switches, reflective optical switches, reflective photosensors, reflective sensors, reflective optical sensors, IR switches, infra red switches, and photo reflectors. Photoreflectors are similar to another type of optical sensor called a photointerrupter. In photoreflectors, the LED and detector face outward – often with a barrier or divider between the detector and LED. In photointerrupters, the sensor and LED face each other, and photointerruption detection occurs when an object blocks the path between the LED and photodiode or phototransistor.

Infrared reflective sensors working in the near-infrared (NIR) or short wave infrared (SWIR) wavelength ranges have several advantages over visible light photoreflector types. With the proper optical filter or photodiode, infrared reflective sensors can be immune to ambient, visible light interference. Emitter/detector combinations are available from in a variety of custom wavelength from UV to SWIR for specialized or proprietary applications.

Custom designs are also available. Customization packaging options include plastic SMD, through-hole or led, hermetic TO-can, and ATLAS airtight SMD packaging. Additional customization options include optical filters to eliminate the effect of visible light or specific wavelengths on photo-reflector response. Transimpedance amplifiers (TIAs) and thermal electric coolers (TECs) can be added to the package to enhance detector sensitivity, reduce dark current, and increase signal-to-noise ratio (S/N). An integral resistor to limit current to the LED can be placed in the optoelectronic package. Contact us today to learn more about our comprehensive engineering and design services.



Spectral sensitivity in the 400nm to 1100nm range for applications requiring very high sensitivity, uniform response, and increased reliability, such as card readers and optical sensors.

Silicon Avalanche Photodiodes (Si APD’s)

For high speed and low light level detection in the NIR spectrum, optimized for 800nm or 905nm peak response.

Industrial Automation and Warehouse

Reflective photosensors can be a low-cost solution for many plant automation applications, such as detecting edges or lines and reading bar codes. They can recognize packages on conveyor belts. The presence or absence of an object or the edge of a web of paper, plastic, textile, or abrasive can be sensed with photoreflectors.

Cash or Automated Teller Machine (ATMs)

Bills and coins can be sensed, and the authenticity of the bill can be validated in some cases with reflective photosensors.   

Vending Machines

Reflective sensors can check for the presence of candy bars, soda cans, or other dispensed goods. Bills and coins can be sensed, and the bill’s authenticity can be validated in some cases with reflective photosensors.

Gambling / Slot Machines and Arcade / Pinball Machines

The position or presence of balls, levers, buttons, and reels can be detected with photo reflectors. Reflective sensors can also check bills and coins and validate bills.

Document Scanners, Copiers, Printers, and FAX machines

Reflective sensors can detect the edges and position of paper moving through document processing machines.

Medical Diagnostic, Analytical Instruments, and Test Equipment:

Photoreflectors are used to detect the presence of samples and covers and the position of mechanisms during the analysis of chemicals, blood, urine, and other test samples in automated.

Optical Encoders

Photoreflectors can sense the rotary position of reflective optical discs in optical encoders. Reflective encoders’ discreet design, reduced energy needs, and streamlined optical pathway enable easy integration into robotic arms, vacuum cleaners, aerial drones, and other devices, eliminating the need for costlier, heavier bolt-on encoders.

Occupancy / Human Presence

Photoreflectors can detect the presence of people in a room or in front of a piece of equipment, which makes them useful in toilet or urinal sensors, soap dispensers, and security systems.

Need Parts?

Do you need a small number of LEDs for your proof of concept? Or, are you looking to purchase a run for your prototypes? Visit our online stores at Digi-Key Electronics and Mouser Electronics today. In Japan, our products are now available through Rikei Corporation. In Israel, our products are now available through Militram. In Canada, our products are now available through ARL Group.

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Near IR Scan of a Cancer Cell

InGaAs PIN Photodiode

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